Parcel A Reserve Lands:
In 2012, after more than two decades of hard work, the land known as “Parcel A” was successfully added to the Tahltan Band’s reserve lands. Parcel A is 40.4 hectares in size and is located on a terrace located immediately north of the town of Dease Lake on the western side of the valley. The site is bounded to the north by Hotel Creek, which features a ravine 15m deep. The western boundary of the site is shared with private holdings and Lake Road at the base of the mountains. To the east the terrain drops several metres to a broad area known as Deacon’s Flats, which separates Parcel A from Highway 37.
Securing Funding for Parcel A Land Planning
Tahltan Band is pleased to announce that their application for project funding was successful and that the official land planning process for the Parcel A Reserve Lands in Dease Lake will begin on June 23. This important work will be conducted in stages, with the first phase involving a combination of technical research and community engagement. They will be providing consistent updates as the project gets underway and look forward to your participation. This work will be led by the Castlemain Group and the majority of the funding for this project will be provided by the Community Opportunities Readiness Program (CORP) of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC). If you have any questions or would like to be involved in the process please contact Karen Berg at (604) 336-8772 or kberg@castlemaingroup.com.