May 27th & 28th 2016 Willie and Grace Williams’ Stikine Ranch
The Tahltan Central Government (TCG), in conjunction with the Tahltan Guide and Outfitters Association (TGOA) invite all Tahltan Members to join us in our first Wildlife Symposium May 27th and 28th at Willie and Grace William’s Ranch (km 435 Hwy 37). We are looking forward to bringing together diverse voices to discuss important issues concerning the future of wildlife management in our Territory.
The management of our wildlife is vitally important for sustenance, cultural, and economic reasons. The Tahltan people have always relied on a healthy wildlife population which has supported and sustained our communities, and enabled us to embrace a culture of self-sufficiency by living a traditional lifestyle. The need of improved wildlife management is a priority for us. It has been high-lighted with the increase of recreational hunters from other areas during the fall hunting season.
The desired outcome of this summit is to bring together Tahltan, Government, Guide Outfitter, local resident, as well as other users, to balance our needs and expectations, helping us understand the future of wildlife management and our responsibility in contributing to a healthy sustainable wildlife population. Lunch and dinner will be provided on both days; an agenda will be posted once finalized. Come out and voice your concern to Government representatives. We hope to see you there.
For more information please contact Jarett Quock
TCG Wildlife Guardian at 250-771-3274 or wildlifeguardian@tahltan.org