The Tahltan Nation has hired Teranis Consulting to assess the environmental condition our land. Teranis will work with members to inspect the reserve and to identify where contamination is present or we think may be present. Teranis would also like to talk to any members or elders who may have knowledge of current or previous land use that may have caused contamination.
Common environmental concerns/issue that may have caused contamination on our lands, include the following:
• Commercial businesses and operations;
• Former logging camps;
• Garbage dumps and landfill sites;
• Waste burning areas (in dumps sites or household waste in gardens);
• Fuel or oil spills for heating oil tanks, gas stations, small businesses, etc.;
• Chemical storage and pesticide use;
• Soil deposited on reserve from an unknown source;
• Derelict vehicles and/or scrap metal recovery;
• Vehicle maintenance areas;
• Railway lines, fuel lines and major highways; and
• Water quality in streams and rivers.
Please Note ; we are open to hearing about any environmental concerns, not just those listed above. An open house has been scheduled for October 15, 2014 at 3-7:00PM at the school board, where Teranis will present a brief slide show to explain the assessment process and to receive comments and direction from members and elders.
This is an important opportunity for our Nation to identify the location of contamination on our land, so that these issues can be addressed by Canada in the
near future and to protect our children, land and resources.
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
Please contact Heather Hawkins at (250) 235-3151 for further information.