For all the latest Tahltan news

For all the latest Tahltan news, including upcoming events, newsletters, and education.Second line of text appears here below the first for reference.

Post Secondary Education

The Irving K. Barber BC Scholarship Society has opened applications for the 2021/22 Indigenous Awards Program. There are over 700 awards available, totaling approximately $2 million, to assist Indigenous students pursuing a post-secondary education. Three types of awards are available:   Student Award: $1000-$2500 (multi-year) for students pursuing trades training, apprenticeships, diplomas, certificates or undergraduate degrees. […]

FNHA Covid-19 Resources

Please Click on the following link to access pdf file for the FNHA Resource Compilation.

Financial Supports for Post-Secondary Students Specific to Covid19

In response to concerns raised by First Nations about the financial impact of COVID-19 on postsecondary students, the First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) and Indigenous Adult and Higher Learning Association (IAHLA) have compiled and summarized key information on available sources of financial support that may assist with meeting student needs. This resource is designed […]

Message from Tahltan Leadership

ATTENTION TAHLTANS:  MESSAGE FROM TAHLTAN LEADERSHIP COVID-19 is not just a danger to our ELDERS.  More and more, ADULTS and CHILDREN are starting to die because of this virus. NONE OF US ARE IMMUNE. It cannot be stressed enough:  WE CANNOT AFFORD TO ALLOW FOR COVID-19 TO GET INTO OUR COMMUNITIES.   By the time […]

Community Planning Meetings – Dec 9 & 10

COMMUNITY PLANNING MEETINGS – DECEMBER 9 & 10 After months of hard work, the Tahltan Band is excited to announce the draft Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP) is complete! We would like to thank all Tahltan members who came out to previous meetings to share their goals and priorities for the shared spaces, built environment, programs and […]

Community Planning Meeting – Sept 17 & 18

COMMUNITY PLANNING MEETINGS – SEPTEMBER 17 & 18: The Tahltan Band is in the process of developing a Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP). A CCP is a road map that will guide the work of Tahltan Council, Band staff and members to shape the future of Dease Lake and Telegraph Creek. Engaging with Tahltan members is […]

Telegraph Creek Wildfire Recovery Newsletter – May 21

TELEGRAPH CREEK WILDFIRE RECOVERY NEWSLETTER MAY 21, 2019  Derek Ingram – Telegraph Creek Recovery Manager TABLE OF CONTENTS Updates and current Recovery Emergency Response Planning Memorial Garden Project Ministry of Transportation updates BC Wildfire Updates Dease Lake Fuel Management Project Updates and Current Recovery Efforts Updating the Tahltan Emergency Response Plan The Tahltan Band has […]

Seeking 2 Tahltan Members to Support CCP Survey Collection in May

Tahltan Band – Temporary, Part-Time May Job Opportunity The Tahltan Band is engaging members in Dease Lake and Telegraph Creek to revise the 2009 Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP). The revised Tahltan Band CCP will be a document to help our community plan for the future. The Tahltan Band is looking for 2 CCP Survey Coordinators, […]

Spring & Summer Fire Safety Tips!

Dear Tahltan Band Home Owners and ALL TENANTS:   As Fire season is approaching, we are asking all tenants to please clean up around your home. All clutter and debris should be removed from around your home for prevention. Here are some tips on what we are expecting.   Spring & Summer Fire Safety Tips! […]

Telegraph Creek Wildfire Recovery Newsletter – April 9, 2019

TELEGRAPH CREEK WILDFIRE RECOVERY NEWSLETTER APRIL 9, 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS Updates and current recovery efforts since last newsletter What’s being done in your community? Upcoming recovery dates Contact Information for Recovery Manager Author: Derek Ingram – Telegraph Creek Wildfire Recovery Manager Updates and Current Recovery Efforts Updating the Tahltan Emergency Plan Tahltan Band Council has […]

Telegraph Creek Wildfire Recovery Newsletter – March 15, 2019

TELEGRAPH CREEK WILDFIRE RECOVERY NEWSLETTER MARCH 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction – What does recovery after a disaster look like? And what does a recovery manager do? What’s being done in your community? Upcoming recovery dates Contact Information for Recovery Manager Photo from   INTRODUCTION What is Community Recovery and how does it look in […]

Community Planning Kick-Off Meetings!

Join us at our Comprehensive Community Planning Kick-Off Meetings on March 26th in Dease Lake and March 27th in Telegraph. Come share your vision for our communities!

Telegraph Creek Recovery – January 15th Update

We would like to welcome home all our community members and Telegraph Creek residents and wish everyone a happy New Year. As of January 19th, we will be moving into the recovery stage of the wildfire response. This means that the Tahltan Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) will be closing its doors in Dease Lake on […]

Telegraph Creek Re-Entry – December 14th Update

Housing Updates A total of 34 houses have been cleaned and are ready for re-entry. Air quality tests are coming back next week for the remaining homes. Modular homes are complete. The housing department will be giving out keys this week. All homes will be ready for occupation no later than December 21st. Case Workers […]

Telegraph Creek Fires – November 15th Update

Telegraph Creek Re-entry: Nov 15 – Dec 20 “The Tahltan EOC has been working tirelessly to make a return to Telegraph Creek possible. A plan is now in place for evacuees to return to Telegraph Creek beginning November 15th and we hope to have all evacuees back home by December 20th. The specific return date […]

Telegraph Creek Fires – Sept 27 Update

“We are working very hard to get our members back into their homes. We thank you for your patience and realize it’s been almost 8 weeks since you left your home. Progress is being made, but we still have a lot of work to do to make the community safe and healthy. We have assigned […]

Telegraph Creek Fires – Sept 21 Update

The Tahltan EOC is where people and resources come together to manage and coordinate the emergency response to the wildfires that affected the Telegraph Creek region. The primary roles of the centre are to: Centralize and coordinate efforts of government officials, response agencies and private sector partners, Facilitate long term response operations, Provide access to […]

Telegraph Creek Fires – Sept 11 Update

Tahltan EOC Key Messages The Tahltan EOC is where people and resources come together to manage and coordinate the emergency response to the wildfires that effected the Telegraph Creek region. The primary roles of the centre are to, (1) centralize and coordinate efforts of government officials, response agencies and private sector partners, (2) facilitate long […]

Telegraph Creek Wildfires

Telegraph Creek Wildfires – All past, present and upcoming information relating to the wildfires around Telegraph Creek can be found HERE.

Dease Lake – Community Meeting Minutes – Aug 28

Community Update Meeting Minutes Dease Lake August 28, 2018 Hugh Murdoch, BC Wildfire Service Bucketed all day today – fuel now staged from TC Heavy precipitation today: 12mm 70 mile, 4.5 TC; humidity is up, temps down Structural protection on DFO facility, fire within 500m – “back has been broken on this fire”; not over […]

Dease Lake – Community Meeting Minutes – August 20th

Update Meeting Minutes Dease Lake August 20, 2018 Feddie Louie, EOC Director Moment of Silence for Lorraine Edzerza Chief and council are meeting with members in Terrace Big thank you to all volunteers, every organization/person that has donated their time, supplies, money and other resources Updates from Telegraph Creek Structures – Homes, buildings, etc. No […]

Press Release – Further Financial Support for Telegraph Creek Evacuees

The Tahltan Central Government and Tahltan Band Council Collaborate to Provide Telegraph Creek Evacuees with Further Financial Support   DEASE LAKE, BC – August 24, 2018 The Tahltan Central Government and Tahltan Band Council will be providing additional financial support to the evacuees of Telegraph Creek.   An evacuation order was issued on August 5th […]

Telegraph Creek Fires – Aug 25 Update

Message from our Management Team “Like the smoke that comes and goes, this is a time of transition where good news one day is mixed with sad news the next. But one thing that doesn’t change is the spirit of our community, and the strength we share with each other.” – Feddie Louie, Executive Director, […]

Dease Lake – Community Meeting Minutes – Aug 24

Community Meeting Minutes Dease Lake Community Hall August 24th, 2018 Start time: 8:00 pm Chief McLean, Tahltan Band Council – Open w/moment of silence and prayer for Woods family – Nations united, people of all walks here to help – life revolves around hope, holding each other up when weak; remember the stranger who walked […]

Telegraph Creek Fires – Aug 23 Update

Message from our Management Team  “As Chief Marie Quock said yesterday, our children and grandchildren need to know there’s hope tomorrow and in their futures. This really spoke to me this morning about the importance of staying positive and I hope it brings comfort to those who need it today.” Shana Dennis, Tahltan Band Manager […]

Dease Lake – Community Meeting Minutes – Aug 22th

Telegraph Creek Fires – Community Update Meeting Minutes Dease Lake Community Hall | August 22, 2018 Start time: 8:15 pm End time: 8:45 pm Feddie Louie – Director, EOC/ TBC Economic Development At the EOC we have new partners come in daily and we try to take care of any emergency matters that come up Some of […]

Telegraph Creek Fires – Aug 22 Update

Message from our Management Team   “We are going to get through this together. We are either going to have to hold each other tighter or yell a little louder, but we will get through this together, as a community that is #TahltanStrong.” Feddie Louie, Director, Tahltan Emergency Operations Centre “After receiving the news on […]

Announcement – Band Manager Position

As a message to our members, please be advised that Shana Dennis has assumed the position of Band Manager to oversee the management of Band affairs with the support of our dedicated staff.  We are confident that Shana will carry out her duties for the benefit of our membership. Sincerely, Chief Rick McLean

Dease Lake – Community Meeting Minutes – Aug 18th

Telegraph Creek Fires – Community Update Meeting Minutes Dease Lake Community Hall – August 18, 2018 Start time: 8:15 pm End time: 8:45 pm Shana Denis, Tahltan Band Manager Chief Rick Mclean is not here tonight, he is in Telegraph Creek Emergency Operations Center is located here in Dease. People have been getting organized, open 7 days […]

Wildfire Update – Alkali Lake

Alkali Lake (R91947) This is the final update for the ‘Alkali Lake’ fire; no further updates will be posted on as it is no longer considered to be a Wildfire of Note. If you require further updates on this fire, please contact the Northwest fire centre. Last updated: Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 9:52 AM Location: 5 […]

Emergency Operations Centre – Contact Information

An Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) has opened in Dease Lake within the Service BC Centre (Block D, Hwy 37, Dease Lake, BC V0C 1L0). The EOC is being staffed by members of the Tahltan Band and Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine. This centre will be active during this emergency event, right through into recovery, to coordinate […]

APTN National News

Please click on the link for the full APTN coverage   APTN National News Coverage – Telegraph Creek Fires

Summer 2018 Newsletter

Check out the Tahltan Band Council 2018 Summer Newsletter. Click the cover to open the newsletter

NRT Foundation Announces 2018-19 Scholarships & Bursaries!

Vancouver, BC – The New Relationship Trust Foundation (NRT Foundation), in partnership with New Relationship Trust (NRT), is pleased to announce the call for applications for the 2018-19 Scholarships and Bursaries will soon open to First Nations students in British Columbia (BC)!   Apply online on Tuesday, April 17, 2018   NRT, the founding partner […]

200 Delegates, Three Days of Dialogue: Leadership Gather in Lheidli T’enneh Territory for Northern Regional Caucus

Above: Rocky Jackson (Tahltan) sings a song to honour residential school survivors at the end of the Stikine Wholistic Working Group presentation at the Northern Regional Caucus.    Over the course of three days from October 24-27 on Lheidli T’enneh territory in Prince George, representatives from northern First Nations communities engaged with diverse health and social […]

Land Code Community Meetings

We want your feedback on the draft Tahltan Band Land Code! The Tahltan Band Land Code Committee has completed the first draft of the Tahltan Band Land Code and they are ready to present it to you! Join us for dinner, discussion and prizes! Dease Lake When: September 9th, 2017 Where: School Board Office Time: […]

Expression of Interest for TBDC Housing Authority Society Board members:

Tahltan Band Development Corporation is in the process of setting up a Housing Authority Society for on and off reserve. This Authority will be a stand-alone organization and will not be connected to any political organization or business. ”IF HA manages Band-owned housing, it will be through a management contract.”(TBD) This Authority will be governed […]

Tahltan Emergency Fund **RAFFLE**

Tickets can be bought at the Peoples Haven in Dease Lake or at the Band Office in Telegraph Creek. If you wish to purchase tickets by e-transfer, please email

Rupert team wins Aboriginal Youth Hockey Championship

A group of Prince Rupert novice hockey players represented the community well recently at the Prince George Aboriginal Youth Hockey Championships, returning home with the gold medal. Maria Niesh was one of the organizers for the northern team, which also included two Prince George players and one Burns Lake player. She decided to put together […]

Test Drive @ NWCC

We are excited to invite you to the annual Test Drive NWCC weekend at the Northwest Community College, Terrace Campus. This program is on May 6 & 7, 2017 and is for students currently in grades 10, 11, and 12. This event will enable you to experience campus life by taking part in hands-on workshops […]

Tahltan Band School Funding Deadline

Attention! For all Tahltan members who would like to go back to school or for those who wish to continue their learning Funding request applications are due by May 15th, 2017 If you have any questions or concerns in regards to to the application or deadline; Please contact Isabel Reid at the Tahltan Band Office […]

Renewed Interest Campaign for IR#13

ATTENTION: All Tahltan Band Members We are running a renewed interest campaign for housing for IR#13 as well as those looking for housing now in Dease Lake. We would like to have all updated applications in by the 22nd of this month. For those who have already filled out an application once before, we are […]

Principles of Empowerment Workshop

For parents, grandparents and front line workers who want to empower clients and children. Learn such skills as:   Teach people pro-active social skills Learn how to navigate through difficult conversations Create dialogue to empower youth Use of traditional practice with modern mental health practices CONTACT KIM ROWE AT THE HAVEN TO REGISTER 250-771-5577 ** […]


CALL FOR ARTWORK: The BCAFN is now accepting logo concepts submissions, which should display a visualization of the Champions Roundtable theme, “Economic Reconciliation” and, ideally, shall depict a blending of corporate and First Nations’ cultures. The artist selected will collaborate with an in-house graphic designer to ensure that the integrity of the art remains intact […]

2017 Indspire Awards Honours Indigenous Achievers in Ottawa Ceremony

The Indspire Awards have celebrated the significant contributions of Indigenous people in Canada for 24 years. The Awards are aligned with Indspire’s mandate to provide educational support and programs for future generations to succeed. They promote self-esteem and pride for the Indigenous community and provide outstanding role models for Indigenous youth. They recognize the success […]

Rock Star: Nalaine Morin, EP

Nalaine works with First Nations across Canada on projects as varied as mining, pipelines and highway infrastructure. Educated at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), and certified by the Canadian Environmental Certification Approvals Board, Nalaine Morin is currently the principal at ArrowBlade Consulting Services where she provides […]

Youth Leadership Mentorship Program

We are pleased to announce! Brian Quock Jr has been selected for the 1st  position in the Youth Leadership Mentorship Program; and we are currently looking for a 2nd youth to apply. The Tahltan Band Council has room for two youth positions Please click on the link to view PDF Youth Leadership Mentorship Program PDF […]

Good Heart, Good Mind Youth Conference- Vancouver

What’s our goal? To provide a space for youth ages 18-24 residing in BC to come together, network and talk about the different forms of activism that they are engaging in within their communities. Our conference focuses on grass-roots activism in the form of visual arts. A large component of this conference will introduce you […]

Join the Land Code Development Committee

Tahltan Band leadership is excited to begin working with members to develop our own Land Code — and formally take back control of our reserve lands and resources. This is OUR land — we should be in control. Join the Land Code team!

KUU-US Crisis Services – Christmas Reminder

We wanted to remind everyone that while first nation offices may be closed during the holidays, please refer community members living at home or away from home to KUU-US which is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days of the year. Happy Holidays from KUU-US    

THSSA AGM Notice Dec 16th 2016

NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TAHLTAN HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES AUTHORITY TO ALL MEMBERS of the Tahltan Health & Social Services Authority TAKE NOTICE that the Annual General Meeting of the Tahltan Health & Social Services Authority is scheduled for 3-5pm on Friday December 16, 2016 at the Telegraph Creek, Rec Centre Draft AGM Agenda […]

Plan Ahead – Holiday CounterAttack Roadchecks On Now

Impaired driving remains a leading cause of fatal car crashes, with an average of 66 lives lost every year in B.C. That’s why the B.C. government, police and ICBC are urging drivers to plan ahead and make smart decisions to get home safely this holiday season. Starting today, CounterAttack roadchecks will be set up by […]

Power Outage Notification

Saturday, November 19th 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Telegraph Creek TO OUR CUSTOMERS: On Saturday, November 19th from 9:00 a.m. to approximately 12:30 p.m. the power will need to be turned off in Telegraph Creek as crews have completed the system upgrades and will return to normal configuration. We apologize for the inconvenience this power […]

Notice of Scheduled Power Outage

BC Hydro Scheduled Power Outages Reminder: There are scheduled power outages that will be affecting our community in the coming weeks. The first two outages will be on October 29th and October 30th. The outages are required to make electrical system improvements; we apologize for the inconvenience this will cause. Outage 1: October 29th 9:00am – […]

Callison & Hanna Law winner at 2016 Aboriginal Business Awards!

Congratulations to Callison & Hanna Law, an indigenous led and focused law firm that was announced as the winners of the 2016 BC Aboriginal Business of the Year (3-to-10 person enterprise)! Tahltan Nation member Cynthia Callison is a founding partner of Callison & Hanna Law, and has a reputation as a leading negotiator in innovative agreements […]

Congratulations to Rochelle DeLaRonde for being selected as a Ch’nook Scholar!

Ch’nook Scholars are Aboriginal business students that are selected for their continued work in the community, that strive to take on leadership roles, and who show potential as future community leaders.   Rochelle is a Tahltan student at Thompson Rivers University, working on a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration and Management. At the university, Rochelle […]

Dease Lake Civic Addressing and ESS Information Session

Tuesday August 30, 2016 6:00 – 8:00 pm School District Building Commercial Drive, Dease Lake Regional District staff will be holding an open house to present the Dease Lake addressing program and answer questions from the community. The Regional District is developing a civic addressing program for the Dease Lake area. Properties will be provided […]

Golden Bear Mining Road Closure

The Golden Bear Road will be closed during hunting season for resident hunters. Tahltan members will have access to the key for the gate. Tahltan Central Government will be monitoring the road usage, before signing a key out you will have to provide some information. Such as, Contact information, Reason , Location, and Dates. Date […]

Powerlifter pumped after tasting competition

A 16-year-old youth who has been living in Terrace broke two records and won gold at a recent Canadian Powerlifting League (CPL) competition in Vancouver. Originally from Telegraph Creek, Brandon Mclean moved to Terrace in Grade 9 in order to finish high school and has been training at the North Coast Health & Fitness Centre […]

TNDC Board of Directors – Requests for Expressions of Interest

The shareholders have asked that TNDC coordinate gathering Expressions of Interest for the TNDC board. The shareholders intend to hold a Shareholders Meeting before the middle of August to appoint three vacancies on the TNDC board. This request is for Tahltan members who may be interested in serving on the TNDC board to submit an […]

Tahltan Band Council Election 2016

Here is everything you’ll need to know about the upcoming 2016 Tahltan Band Election! It was important for leadership this year to make it easier for as many Tahltan Band members to vote as possible. So to increase speed of delivery, mail-in ballots were sent to Vancouver to ensure they made it in time to […]

Come visit the Riversong!

The Riversong recently opened for the season! Don’t forget to let friends and family coming to Telegraph Creek about our very own Lodge, General Store, and Cafe!

Tahltan Band Election 2016: Ballot Packages

Off-reserve members, have you received your ballot package? On-reserve members, do you want to request one? Registered Tahltan Band members who live off-reserve that have not yet received your ballot package — it is possible we do not have your current address. If you would like another package mailed to you, please click on the […]

Stikine River Salmon Update

IMPORTANT: The Tahltan River is closed for recreational (rod & reel) fishing. Tahltan Fisheries and DFO are investigating fish passage at the slide — recreational fishing will remain closed until fish passage has been verified. Commercial fishing for Chinook on the Stikine has also been closed. Click the link below to find an update on […]

Tahltan Band Council Community Report 2016

Thank you to all of the members who came out to meet with Chief Terri Brown to get an update about the Band. It was amazing to see so many Tahltans come out and participate in these important conversations. In case you were unable to attend, and would like to know the details shared about […]

Elections: Final List of Candidates

The deadline for candidates to withdraw from our upcoming Chief and Council elections has now passed. The list below is a final list of candidates for the vote, which takes place on June 29, 2016. For full details in our election notice, please click here:

2016 Wildlife Symposium

May 27th & 28th 2016 Willie and Grace Williams’ Stikine Ranch The Tahltan Central Government (TCG), in conjunction with the Tahltan Guide and Outfitters Association (TGOA) invite all Tahltan Members to join us in our first Wildlife Symposium May 27th and 28th at Willie and Grace William’s Ranch (km 435 Hwy 37). We are looking […]

Tahltan Central Government Update Meeting

The Tahltan Central Government will be updating members in your community on Wednesday, May 11th. When: Wednesday, May 11th Where: Community Hall, Telegraph Creek, BC Time: 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm

UPDATED: Chief’s Community Meetings

Chief Terri Brown will be hosting community meetings for Tahltan Band members in Fort Nelson, Fort St. John, Prince George, Smithers, Prince Rupert, Terrace and Watson Lake. Join her to get important updates about what is happening with the Band! Check out the poster below for meeting dates. NOTE: As times/venues are confirmed they will be […]

Fisheries Dept Community Meeting Wed March 23, 2016

Wednesday, March 23, 2016, 1:00pm-7:00pm Telegraph Creek Rec Hall (Dinner will be provided) Agenda * Tahltan Slide update, * Sport Fishing on the Tahltan River * 2016 Run Forecasts * Treaty update * Food fishery concerns/sales * Upper River Commercial fishing reporting compliance * Update progress on prior forum mandates * Little Tahltan River * […]

BC Hydro Meter Inspections March 14 to 21 2016

NOTICE FROM BC HYDRO CORIX Utilities has been contracted by BC Hydro to conduct metering equipment inspections in your area; these inspections will take place from March 14th to March 21st, 2016. Please make sure there is free and clear access to any meters, and that any barriers around the meters are removed. There will […]

World Premier of Movie Shot in Tahltan Territory

  KONELĪNE our land beautiful is a cinematic poem dedicated to the people of the Northwest, who dream and move across a changing land. Shot on Tahltan Territory, KONELĪNE will have its world premiere in the communities that so generously participated in the filming. There will be two showings of the 96 minute documentary film: […]

BC Hydro Notice- re: Customers in Telegraph Creek

With the Smart meters not working in September, BC Hydro did an estimate for customer billing. This resulted in much higher than expected bills. We have approached BC Hydro to see if Telegraph Creek customers could pay the bill over a number of months. BC Hydro recommended that individual customers contact BC Hydro via their […]

IR 13 Community Update – What we heard

It is important that the IR13 village plan is developed with the input from Tahltan members. The Castlemain Group hosted information meetings with the IR13 Steering Committee and community members in Dease Lake and Telegraph Creek between October 6th – 8th. Thanks to everyone who participated — the Dease Lake meeting had a record breaking […]

Galore Creek Mining Corporation Bursary Award Winners

GCMC offers a bursary award program for Tahltan members pursuing post-secondary education in Canada. A call for applications is issued in August and bursary awards are granted on October 18th in conjunction with Tahltan Day. Congratulations to the Academic Bursary Winners! 1st Place: Nathan Skubovius 2nd place: Gayleen Day 3rd place: Kiana Ball 4th place: […]

We need village makers!

  The planning for IR13 has been in progress for over 20 years, and the time has come to finalize a plan for the new reserve. These maps illustrate where the new Tahltan village will be developed, and where the housing and cultural centre will be placed. Community input has helped shape the current plans […]

The New Village Centre

We have used your feedback about cultural needs at the new Tahltan Village to create a plan for a village centre with facilities and amenities. The multi purpose centre is pictured as a place for community gatherings, wellness, music, learning, working and playing. It will be the heart of the village and a place for […]

Housing plan for the new Tahltan Village

The planning for IR13 has been in progress for over 20 years and we appreciate your input on the need for different types of homes and ownership that suit individual needs. This preliminary plan shows how the new village on IR13 may be used to accommodate different types of needs, families and also a large […]

Our Approach to Making the New Village

This model illustrates the wholistic approach we are taking to plan the new village for IR 13, near Dease Lake. This approach ensures we are considering how many different aspects of the village must work together to build a strong and successful community. Now, we need village makers to offer their input and let us know if […]

The New Village Site!

The planning for IR 13 has been in progress for over 20 years, and the time has come to finalize a plan for the new reserve. These maps illustrate where the new Tahltan village will be developed. The community has helped shape the current plan and we still need your help and input so the […]

Lieutenant Governor Judith Guichon visits us in Telegraph Creek

Leaders and members of Tahltan Band last week hosted the Lieutenant Governor of BC, the Honourable Judith Guichon, at a special dinner in Telegraph Creek. The visit is part of a promise made by the Lieutenant Governor in November 2012 to visit every community and valley in BC during her five year term. Telegraph Creek […]

Tahltan Nation Development Corporation named B.C. Aboriginal Community Business of the Year

VANCOUVER, B.C. — September 16, 2015: The Tahltan Nation Development Corporation (TNDC) is pleased to announce it has been selected as a recipient of the BC Aboriginal Business Award for Community-Owned Business of the Year by the British Columbia Achievement Foundation, recognizing TNDC’s contribution to creating a strong economy for the Tahltan community. The recipients of the seventh […]

GCMC Annual Bursary Awards: Attention Tahltan Students!

It’s that time of year again when Galore Creek Mining Corporation offers bursary awards for Tahltans pursuing post-secondary education. This year there are five academic bursary awards available, two valued at $2,500 each, two valued at $2,000 each, and one at $1,000. The deadline for application is October 8th, 2015. Make sure you read through […]

Unwanted Sheslay mining exploration causes Tahltan protest

July 8, 2015 SHESLAY, NORTHWEST BC – A group of Tahltan Elders, supported by Tahltan Central Council (TCG) president Chad Day, have travelled this week to a mine exploration site in the Sheslay area to seek a halt to work there. Meanwhile, TCG president Chad Day also issued an open letter to the Province and a junior mining […]

Kleanza Archaeology Student Award, Indigenous Language Grant

Kleanza is pleased to offer an inaugural bursary program. They are offering two awards within British Columbia: one for post-secondary students of archaeology, within archaeology, anthropology, or First Nations studies programs; and, one for the initiation of, or continued development of, Indigenous language revitalization programs. They hope to continue offering these bursaries in subsequent years. […]

Deal halts Klappan development, long-term plan to be set

Tahltan territory, BC – The Tahltan Central Council (TCC) has today welcomed news that theProvince (through British Columbia Railway Company*) has purchased 61 coal licenses in the Klappan and Sacred Headwaters to stop development in the area. Buying the licenses from Fortune Minerals and Posco Canada halts major development in the Klappan and Sacred Headwaters. The Tahltan […]

PUBLIC TENDER Tahltan Nation Development Corporation (TNDC) Addition & Renovation

TNDC is inviting contractors to submit a stipulated price bid for the supply of all labour and materials for a first tender package for the addition and renovation to an existing TNDC-owned garage and administrative building in Dease Lake, BC.  The project includes renovation of 6,215 square feet of existing wood frame construction and the […]

GCMC selling surplus mobile equipment

Galore Creek Mining Corp is selling some surplus mobile equipment that it doesn’t require for its current site care and maintenance activities (see attached lists of road-accessible and helicopter-accessible equipment). GCMC is seeking expressions of interest, by no later than May 18, from potentially interested Tahltan businesses that might be interested in purchasing the equipment […]

Community Engagement Meeting: Our Land/Our Water

Environmental Management Act (EMA) Permit for the Red Chris Project The Red Chris mine is currently operating with a temporary environmental permit — the EMA permit application for the project is now underway. This permit will dictate how they operate and how they discharge water at the mine. Please join usto learn about how water is […]

The Douglas H. Brown Volcano Creek Scholarship

Are you looking to further your education! Below is information regarding the Douglas H. Brown Volcano Creek Scholarship. You can download the application form by clicking on the link below. Applications are also available at the band offices as well as the Tahltan Central Council office. Deadline for application is April 30, 2015. Click this link […]

Shana Dennis to join as Tahltan Band Manager Trainee

Tahltan Band is pleased to welcome Shana Dennis as the Band Manager Trainee. Shana has shown dedication and leadership and is very excited about the new position. Tahltan Band Council is proud to invest in such a dynamic young Tahltan woman. Shana has lived her life in Tahltan Territory and is raising her young family the […]

Prevention of Violence Against Women Week – April 12 to 19, 2015

This week is Prevention of Violence Against Women Week, and we have several activities in Telegraph Creek to have an open discussion and raise awareness. All events are at the Rec Centre in Telegraph Creek, and everyone is welcome! Monday evening – Crib Tournament organized by Margie and Elliott with prizes! Tuesday evening – Crib Tournament […]

Loretta Frank, Yukon woman, still missing after 25 years

Official investigation started 5 years after she went missing It’s been more than 25 years since Loretta Frank disappeared at the age of 19. Her family and friends call her Lora, says Terri Brown, chief of the Tahltan First Nation, speaking on the phone from Telegraph Creek, B.C. Brown is a friend of the Frank family and says she remembers […]

5th Annual Dease Lake Career Fair & Resource Forum 2015

FRIDAY, APRIL 10TH 10 AM – 4 PM TO SATURDAY, APRIL 11TH 10 AM – 4 PM AT THE DEASE LAKE REC CENTRE Who you’ll meet  • Employers • Education and training providers • Funding organizations. What you’ll learn about  • Training, employment and career opportunities that exist in the region • Education, skills and […]

The Douglas H. Brown Volcano Creek Scholarship

Are you looking to further your education! Below is information regarding the Douglas H. Brown Volcano Creek Scholarship. You can download the application form by clicking on the link below. Applications are also available at the band offices as well as the Tahltan Central Council office. Deadline for application is April 30, 2015. Douglas H Brown Volcano […]

Employment Opportunity: Tahltan Band Manager

Tahltan Band Council is seeking a self-motivated, energetic, business-minded, personable individual who is interested in managing day-to-day operations of the band, including the management of financial and human resources. Band Manager is expected to provide administrative support to Band Council and create a long-term community development plan for all our communities. This position is located […]


Northwest Community College, Terrace campus is offering a Comprehensive Cook’s Helper course. This 13-week program prepares you to work in entry-level culinary and food service positions in camp or in town by teaching you how to thrive in a fast-paced kitchen environment. It may lead directly in to the NWCC Professional Cook Level 1 Program. […]

The NAFC is seeking up to 5 summer students

Attention Tahltan Students! The NAFC is seeking up to 5 summer students to provide research and analytical support for research, policy and project initiatives. Deadline for applications is Friday, April 10 at 5pm. Check out the poster below or click HERE for more details.

Community Meeting Date Updates for Edmonton, Whitehorse, and Watson Lake

The Dates for the Community Meetings in Edmonton, Whitehorse, and Watson Lake have been updated! Edmonton: Date: Friday February 27th, 2015 Time: 5:00pm – 8:00pm Venue: Best Western Cedar Park Inn Address: 5116 Gateway Blvd NW Whitehorse:  Date: Sunday March 1st, 2015 Time: 11:00am – 2:00pm Venue: Westmark Address: 201 Wood St Watson Lake:  Date: Sunday March 1st, 2015 Time: 5:00pm […]

Feb 20th, and Feb 21st Red Chris Open House Meetings Postponed

The Tahltan Central Council is very saddened to hear of the passing of Elder Jean Jamieson. We send our condolences to the Callbreath and Gleason families. Out of respect for Jean and her family, the TCC will be cancelling their Red Chris Mine Community Meetings tonight in Watson Lake and tomorrow in Whitehorse. The rest of […]

Red Chris Open House Meetings- Will You Be There?

The times, dates and locations for the Red Chris open house meetings have been announced. We encourage all Tahltans to come share a meal, and learn more about the mine from TCC leadership and senior representatives from Imperial Metals.

AltaGas Tahltan New Graduate Program

Application Deadline: Sun. Feb. 15/15 Job Description: In 2010, AltaGas committed to a 10-year program to offer one new Tahltan post-secondary graduate per year with the opportunity to participate in the New Graduate Development Program. The two-year program provides new graduates with a challenging work experience that helps them move into successful careers at AltaGas. […]

TahltanWorks Nov26 Event

TahltanWorks is a plan designed to prepare Tahltans to take advantage of employment opportunities being created by industrial development taking place in our territory. In November 2014, as part of the TahltanWorks plan we held a roundtable dialogue about meeting education and training needs in Tahltan territory. The dialogue resulted in commitments from post-secondary institutions […]

Tahltan Language Program: Community Survey

We need your feedback! In November, we announced that the Tahltan Nation is developing a partnership with the University of Victoria to deliver a community-based language program, focused on learning the Tahltan language, and creating provincially certified teachers. We are re-opening a survey about the program to get more information about how to best deliver the Program. To recap from the original announcement, […]

Shawn Ducharme and Treena Quock: Indiegogo for Heart Surgery

Shawn’s wife needs open heart surgery, can you help us help him? Please donate to help Shawn Ducharme and Treena Quock On December 6, 2014 Shawn Ducharme and Treena Quock became the proud parents of Bryce, a healthy baby boy.  Treena had a healthy pregnancy and had no medical issues prior to baby Bryce’s birth. […]

Christmas and New Years message

As the holiday season is quickly approaching and people prepare to spend time with families and loved ones, we would like to wish you all a happy holidays. Merry Christmas to Tahltans here at home and to those around the world. May the New Year bring with it new hopes and new opportunities! From Tahltan […]

Tahltan Member update – $500,000 funding allows Tahltan investment in green energy

December 12 – The BC government has today announced that it is releasing $500,000 in funding for the Tahltan Nation to invest in AltaGas’ Volcano Creek renewable energy project. The funding has come from the First Nations Clean Energy Fund and will help our Nation to start investing in Volcano Creek. An impact benefits agreement […]

Tahltan Nation recognized in First Peoples’ Cultural Council Report

The Tahltan Nation was recently featured as a Case Study in the second edition of the First Peoples’ Cultural Council (FPCC) Report on the Status of BC First Nations Languages in 2014. The report commends the Tahltan Nation for their collaborative approach to language planning, which has created a solid foundation for language revitalization initiatives, such as […]

Tahltan Voices Video Series: Chad Day

Earlier this year, we asked Tahltan members to share their questions and concerns with us about the Red Chris mine through Community Meetings, our website, and an online survey Below is the first of a series of videos which begin to address the feedback we have heard from membership. Remember, your voice matters. If you […]

Tahltan Nation and Healthy Active Natives (Unity Staff Tour)

In October, we invited members to participate in a series of community events supporting the Healthy Active Natives (HANs) Facebook group which encourages First Nations across North America to lead healthier and more active lives. The events were a huge success and we want to extend our thanks to everyone who worked so hard to […]

Northwest Community college upcoming WEST Program

The WEST Program is 32-days in length and runs January 20 – February 20, 2015 Students will gain key skills required by employers in the exploration, mining, forestry, natural gas, and other natural resources industries. The WEST program contains classroom and field components, and students are required to complete all training modules offered in the program […]

Planning for Tahltan Language Program Begins

We need your feedback! The Tahltan Nation is developing a partnership with the University of Victoria to deliver a community-based language program, focused on learning the Tahltan language, and creating provincially certified teachers. The program will offer a Diploma in Indigenous Language Revitalization, with the option of continuing on into a Bachelor of Education in […]

Tahltan Mining Forum 2014

You are invited to a Tahltan Mining Forum 2014  Dease Lake School Gym • Friday, November 14th 5:00 pm – 9:00pm • Saturday, November 15th 9:00 am – 4:00 pm The purpose of this event: As part of TCC’s commitment to developing the Communications Networks, Tahltan Central Council and THREAT has planned a Tahltan Mining Forum. […]

Letter Regarding Cabin Removal and Heritage Site Disturbance

Attention Tahltan Band Members, We would like to keep you informed about the cabin removal and heritage site disturbance at Tahltan. This situation is high-priority and we can assure you that appropriate steps are being taken to make things right. Below you will find an open letter written from Chief Terri Brown to Katherine Edzerza. […]

Dease Lake- Community Notice

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment 3:00-7:00 PM Meeting, October 15, 2014 The Tahltan Nation has hired Teranis Consulting to assess the environmental condition our land.  Teranis will work with members to inspect the reserve and to identify where contamination is present or we think may be present.  Teranis would also like to talk to any […]

Parcel A Open Houses

We are looking to get your input to help shape a plan for the new village being created on Parcel A. The Castlemain Group will be hosting open houses on October 15 and 16 in Dease Lake and Telegraph Creek. Information gathered from you will be used to prepare a preliminary land use plan that […]

Healthy Active Natives : Join the Movement!

You are invited to join us at a series of community events to encourage First Nations across North America to lead healthier and more active lives. Please join us at one of these events and receive a HANs t-shirt and water bottle. Monday, October 6 – Iskut Meet at Klappan School for a walk to […]


The return of protesters to the Red Chris mine site this week reinforces how strongly both the Tahltan and others value our culture, our land and building a strong future for our children. As the elected government of the Tahltan Nation, the Tahltan Central Council (TCC) is the only organization with a mandate to represent the Tahltan […]

Dease Lake- Community Notice

The Tahltan Nation has hired Teranis Consulting to assess the environmental condition our land. Teranis will work with members to inspect the reserve and to identify where contamination is present or we think may be present. Teranis would also like to talk to any members or elders who may have knowledge of current or previous land use that may […]

Tahltan Nation welcomes halt to Klappan coal permitting

Dease Lake, B.C. – Tahltan Central Council (TCC) has welcomed an announcement from the Province that suspends all permitting decisions for proposed coal mine projects in the Klappan area of Tahltan Nation territory until December 1, 2014. The news is an encouraging sign for the Tahltan Nation because it has long opposed projects such as the Fortune Minerals’ […]

Northwest Projects Open Houses

Iskut Open House & Dinner Friday, September 19, 2014 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Iskut Community Hall Telegraph Creek Open House & Lunch Saturday, September 20, 2014 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Tahltan Recreational Hall Dease Lake Open House & BBQ Saturday, September 20, 2014 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Dease Lake Community Hall

Brucejack Gold Mine Project: Open Houses (Dease Lake and Iskut)

The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (the Agency) and BC’s Environmental Assessment Office (EAO) are inviting the public to attend an Open House meeting for the ongoing environmental assessment of the Brucejack Gold Mine project. There are two open house meetings scheduled (posters below) — Dease Lake and Iskut. Transportation will be provided for Telegraph Creek […]

Tahltan hunting blockade continues as meeting with Province approaches

Telegraph Creek, BC — Tahltan Elders and Tahltan Band Chief Terri Brown maintain their roadblock on Highway 51 between Dease Lake and Telegraph Creek, despite planned meetings with representatives from the provincial government this week. The protesters are trying to raise awareness regarding moose hunting in their territory. While the provincial government proposes moose populations […]

UNBC / TransCanada Funded Occupational Health & Safety Program

UNBC and TransCanada are pleased to announce a fully funded three month Occupational Health & Safety Program. Occupational Health and Safety is a specialized field that focuses on the health and safety needs of employees and the impact of the workplace on the environment. Industry, government, First Nations, and businesses require professionals who can anticipate, assess, and communicate risks, […]

Roadblock seeks to limit moose hunting

TELEGRAPH CREEK, BC – A group of Tahltan Elders have set up a roadblock on Highway 51 between Dease Lake and Telegraph Creek to limit moose hunting in their territory. “Hunters come into our territory and just kill as many moose as they want,” said Chief Terri Brown. “It’s not OK. We have been concerned […]

Notice of Public Consultation

Proposed Regulatory Amendment for the Kerr-Sulphurets-Mitchell (KSM) Project Environment Canada invites the public to participate in two consultation sessions regarding a proposed amendment to the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations (MMER) associated with the proposed KSM Project. The proposed amendment of the MMER would allow the use of portions of two creeks for the disposal of […]

“Cycle to the Sacred” Bike Tour Travelling Through Northwest

A pair of Vancouver cyclists say they’re aiming for positive change,  with their bike tour to the area of the northwest called the Sacred Headwaters of the Nass, Skeena and Stikine Rivers. Desiree Wallace and Landon Yerex are the co-founders of “Beyond Boarding” — and their “Cycle to the Sacred” tour is trying generate financial […]

Tahltan Band demands transport permits for mining-related movements

TORONTO ( – The Tahltan Band Council last week introduced new rules for permission to use the only road into the Tahltan community of Telegraph Creek, in British Columbia, after a series of close calls and mishaps on the road. The Band reported that at the end of July, a low-bed truck slipped off the […]

Update: Tahltan group pushes back against Red Chris Mine

A group of Tahltan elders have set up a blockade of Imperial Metals’ Red Chris Mine. The action by the Klabona Keepers is in response to the Mount Polley Mine tailings pond breach that leaked mining waste into Hazeltine Creek and into Quesnel Lake near the town of Likely, B.C. Aug. 5, resulting in a […]

Tahltan Band demands new transport permits

Tahltan Band Council is introducing new rules for permission to use the only road into the Tahltan community of Telegraph Creek after a series of close calls and mishaps. A new Band Council Resolution passed on August 1 states: “The Tahltan Band Council will no longer permit the transport of industrial machinery for mining related […]

Chief thanks group for salmon rescue

Chief Terri Brown of Tahltan Band Council (TBC) is thanking members and helpers after thousands of spawning salmon trapped in the Tahltan River by a rock slide were rescued. She said: “I would like thank all those who assisted in the salmon recovery operation organized by the TBC for their outstanding efforts to save our […]

Update from Chad Day about Mount Polley Mine

Update for members from President Chad Norman Day: As many of you have heard, the tailings pond for the Mount Polley Mine in central BC burst over the long weekend, spilling its contents into local creeks, lakes and rivers that feed into the Fraser River. Our hearts and prayers are with everyone affected by this event, and […]

Your chance to be involved with TNDC

Tahltan Nation Development Corporation (TNDC) has issued a request for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for Tahltan members to serve on TNDC’s board of directors. TNDC’s shareholders asked that this EOI be issued in order to help inform their selections before the end of August. Click on this link to view the PDF: View and Download

‘Cycle to the Sacred’ raises funds for Klabona Keepers

Last summer, a group of athlete-activists called Beyond Boarding spent time roaming the B.C. countryside learning about resource expansion and filming a documentary. The film, titled Northern Grease, culminated with the group spending six weeks with members of the Tahltan Nation in their traditional lands known as the Sacred Headwaters, and documented a group called the Klabona […]

Cycle to the Sacred bike tour raising funds and awareness

Beyond Boarding has set off on another adventure – ‘Cycle to the Sacred’ is a bike tour that aims to generate financial and social support for a group of indigenous land defenders, the Klabona Keepers, in the Sacred Headwaters of British Columbia. The tour will take place over the course of one and a half […]

Notice: Fish Delivery

The Tahltan Fisheries & Iskut Band will be dropping off fish for the Iskut and Dease Lake communities!  Dates: Sunday (27th), Monday (28th), Tuesday (29th) & Wednesday (30th) Please leave your name, contact info and how many fish you would like with the receptionist at the Iskut Band Office or TCC office: 250.234.3331 or 250.771.3274 […]

Thank You to Tuya Construction Services

We want to put out our most sincere thanks to our Tahltan contractor, Tuya Construction Services — Randy Merkel and Crew (pictured below). Special mention to Justin Tizya (not pictured) who worked with us for 5 months, but had to return to his regular job with the Yukon Government Highway crew in April 2014. Tuya Construction […]


Here is the 2013/2014 THREAT Update. You can read it online by clicking “Click to Read” or download your own copy by clicking the link below. THREAT low res

Tahltan Nation prepare Aboriginal title case against Arctos Coal Mine

The Tahltan Central Council has today (June 26, 2014) announced its intention to prepare an Aboriginal title and rights claim against the Province of British Columbia and Fortune Minerals Ltd for the controversial Arctos Anthracite Coal project proposed for Mt. Klappan in the Klappan area of Tahltan territory. The announcement comes following the Supreme Court […]

Tahltan Band Secures Funding for Parcel A Land Planning in Dease Lake, BC

Parcel A Reserve Lands: In 2012, after more than two decades of hard work, the land known as “Parcel A” was successfully added to the Tahltan Band’s reserve lands. Parcel A is 40.4 hectares in size and is located on a terrace located immediately north of the town of Dease Lake on the western side […]

Aboriginal Day 2014

On June 21st, Canadians from all walks of life participated in National Aboriginal Day events that took place from coast to coast – celebrating Aboriginal heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding achievements of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Canada. In Telegraph Creek, we celebrated this special day with Tahltan singing and dancing, bannock making […]

Artist’s Impression of Proposed New Tahltan Government Building

We are pleased to share a rendering of what the proposed new Tahltan Government building to be located on IR #9 in Dease Lake could look like. A new government building has been identified by membership as something that is needed and will play an important role in the further development of our communities and […]

Chief’s bike ride raises medical emergency money

TELEGRAPH CREEK, BC – Fifteen avid bike riders took part in Tahltan Band’s fifth annual Chief’s Ride June 20 to promote healthy activities and raise vital funds for members’ medical emergencies. The ride saw riders including Tahltan youth and visitors from as far away as Colorado take on the grueling 112km road from Dease Lake […]

Annual Chief’s Ride, 2014

On Friday June 20, 15 avid bike riders including Tahltan Youth and from as far away as Colorado took part in Tahltan Band’s 112km fifth annual Chief’s Ride from Dease Lake to Telegraph Creek. The ride raises money for Tahltan with emergency medical costs and encourages youth and adults alike to get out on their […]

Notice to all non-Tahltan anglers

Attention: all non-Tahltan anglers Due to the extreme low numbers of Chinook/King salmon returning this year, the Tahltan Band will be allowing only Tahltan and associate members to fish on reserve #1. Also no access will be granted to the cannery through IR #1 for the purpose of sport fishing. Sorry for any inconveniences. Meduh, […]

Flood Warning near Tahltan River Bridge

The Tahltan Band Council would like to make you aware of the potential risk of an outburst flood occurring below the rock slide site located approximately 1000 m above the Tahltan River Bridge. The slide has caused a reduction in flows, and as a result, the river has been backed up above the site since […]

Introducing TNDC’s New Website

News from TNDC! You can view their new website at This new website has been many months in development and we feel it now truly represents the vision of the TNDC. The site reflects the TNDC’s objective to be the leading business corporation and employer of Tahltan members in Tahltan territory. With the launch of […]

FNSDS 2014 George Watts Bursary

The First Nations Social Development Society proudly supports First Nations communities. Part of this support is for persons of First Nations ancestry who are currently enrolled in Post-Secondary education. This FNSDS program is the GeorgeWatts Bursary. The George Watts Post-Secondary Education Bursary Award is designed to support First Nations students who are planning for a career in social […]

Tahltan First Nation signs deal for run-of-river power projects in northwestern B.C.

VICTORIA — A British Columbia First Nation whose territory includes some of the province’s most majestic and resource rich lands signed revenue-sharing agreements Tuesday with the provincial government while declaring its fierce determination to oppose developments considered threats to their homelands. Tahltan Central Council president Annita McPhee called signing two clean energy hydro-electric projects in northwest […]

Run-of-river projects soon to provide power to grid

$1 billion in projects in northwest B.C. have support of First Nations A billion dollars worth of run-of-the-river projects are nearing completion in northwest B.C. that will produce enough electricity to power nearly 100,000 homes or a large industrial project. AltaGas’s $700-million Forrest Kerr project is being tested now and will begin producing power to […]

Red Chris mine community update meetings

Thank-you to those who attended the Red Chris Mine community update meetings this week in Prince George, Fort St. John, Telegraph Creek, Dease Lake, Red Chris mine, Iskut and Whitehorse – they were well attended! The upcoming set of meetings will be held in Smithers, Terrace, Prince Rupert and Vancouver. Check out some photos from […]

First Nation bans Fortune Minerals from mining Mount Klappan

DEASE LAKE, B.C. — A northern B.C. First Nation has banned a mining company from its lands as a bitter fight over a proposed coal mine escalates, again. Tahltan Central Council president Annita McPhee says Fortune Minerals (TSX:FT) must not enter Tahltan Nation communities without permission from the Iskut and Tahltan bands. Fortune wants to […]

Tahltan forbid mining company from entering their land without permission

A mining company has been banned from entering Tahltan Nation communities in Northern BC without first asking for permission from leaders. Iskut and Tahltan Bands have both passed Band Council Resolution agreements demanding that mining company Fortune Minerals does not enter their reserve lands without consent from leadership, said the Tahltan Central Council in a […]

Tahltan First Nation bans mining company in dispute over coal mine

DEASE LAKE, B.C. – A northern B.C. First Nation has banned a mining company from its lands as a bitter fight over a proposed coal mine escalates, again. Tahltan Central Council president Annita McPhee says Fortune Minerals (TSC:FT) must not enter Tahltan Nation communities without permission from the Iskut and Tahltan bands. Fortune wants to […]

Tahltan First Nation bans mining company in dispute over coal mine

DEASE LAKE, B.C. — The Canadian Press Published Tuesday, Apr. 01 2014, 3:29 PM EDT Last updated Tuesday, Apr. 01 2014, 8:59 PM EDT A northern B.C. First Nation has banned a mining company from its lands as a bitter fight over a proposed coal mine escalates, again. Tahltan Central Council president Annita McPhee says Fortune Minerals must not […]

Mining company banned from Tahltan communities

DEASE LAKE, BC, Mar 31, 2014 (Menafn – Canada NewsWire via COMTEX) –A mining company has been banned from entering Tahltan Nation communities in Northern BC without first asking for permission from leaders. Iskut and Tahltan Bands have both passed Band Council Resolution agreements demanding that mining company Fortune Minerals does not enter their reserve […]

Tahltan Language Revitalization in the Face of Resource Development in Northern British Columbia

Dr. Judy Thompson (Edōsdi) is presenting March 21st at the annual Society for Applied Anthropology annual meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She will be part of the Globalization, Resistance, and Ethnography: Indigenous alternatives to neo-liberalism session with a group of researchers from Northern BC. Her presentation is titled Tahltan Language Revitalization in the Face of Resource Development in […]

Sneak Peak at Upcoming Tahltan Language Children’s Book

The first in a series of Tahltan children’s books is almost complete and will be published in the summer. Called ‘How We Got Our Fish’, the book is based on a story told by one of our Ancestors, Emma Brown, in our Tahltan language and has been transcribed by Angela Dennis. This picture shows the […]

Community Meetings

  Attention Tahltan Members Community Meetings: Dease Lake – March 11, 2014 Telegraph Creek – March 12, 2014 Iskut – March 13, 2014 For further information, contact: Nalaine Morin, Tahltan KSI Co-Chair: James Cuell, Province KSI Co-Chair: Ben Heemskerk, KSI Project Manager:

Framework Agreement gives Tahltan Band greater control over land and resources

Today in Ottawa, Tahltan Band signed a Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management (FNLM) which will allow the band to opt out of 34 land-related sections of the Indian Act and assume greater control over our reserve land and resources. The Honourable Bernard Valcourt, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, accompanied by Chief Robert […]

One year coal rights moratorium placed on BC cultural heartland

TORONTO ( – The British Columbia provincial government and the First Nation Tahltan Central Council (TCC) on Monday announced in a joint statement an agreement pausing the granting of new coal mining rights in the Tahltan Klappan area for a year. Called the Klappan Coal Licence Deferral Area Order, the agreement provided more time for […]

AltaGas: Tahltan New Graduate Development Program DEADLINE EXTENDED

The application deadline for AltaGas’ Tahltan New Graduate Development Program has been extended toFebruary 15, 2014. The two-year program provides new graduates with a challenging work experience that helps them move into successful careers at AltaGas. Graduates are paired with a mentor and experience different areas of AltaGas’ business through six month rotations. AltaGas offers […]

Emergency Medical Responder & OFA3 Course | Dease Lake

6 Weeks | February 17 – March 26, 2014 | Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday or 6 Weekends | February 21 – March 30, 2014 | Friday-Saturday-Sunday 9:30am-3:30pm at the Northern Lights College in Dease Lake The Emergency Responder (EMR) course is an entry-level introduction to emergency medicine. This course provides training that students require in order to gain employment […]

Youth Opportunity to Attend 2014 Mining Round-Up

There will be a draw for 3 Tahltan Youth ages 18-25 to attend the 2014 Mining Round-Up in Vancouver, BC. One draw for one youth from each community – Iskut, BC, Telegraph Creek, BC, and Dease Lake, BC. Date of Mining Round-Up: January 27 – 30, 2014 Requirements to enter the draw: Youth must write a letter […]

Tahltan Coal Rights Agreement Pauses Klappan Development

DEASE LAKE / VICTORIA, BC, December 16, 2013 – The provincial government and Tahltan Central Council (TCC) have today announced an agreement which pauses granting of new coal mining rights in the Tahltan Klappan area for one year. Called the Klappan Coal Licence Deferral Area Order, the agreement gives time for discussions to continue between […]

Tahltan Meagan Stewart Selected to be a Ch’nook Scholar

Tahltan member Meagan Stewart was recently chosen to be a Ch’nook Scholar this year. Meagan who is a student at Vancouver Island University is one of only 30 students chosen for this honour from institutions across BC and Alberta. Ch’nook derives its name from the Chinook trading jargon or wawa which evolved into a common language for […]

Former TNDC President Bill Adsit named to BC Hydro Board of Directors

PR Associates National Communications, a national public relations and communications agency, and the Tahltan Nation Development Corporation (TNDC) congratulate Bill Adsit, former president and chief executive officer of TNDC, on his recent appointment to the BC Hydro and Power Authority board of directors. “I am honoured to be named to the board of BC Hydro […]